Sciistiche localities of Appennino the East Parma
m 1,303-m 1,800
Located in the region of the Parmense Apennines the ski facilities of
Pratospilla are the highest and steepest in the area. The resort is located in
an area of great natural beauty inside the Cento Laghi Park which can boast
the lakes of the upper Cedra and Enza Valleys.
There are breathtaking views of the sea from Mount Bocco. The resort has a
range of facilities and slopes of varying levels of difficulty. Skiers can
rent the necessary equipment for downhill skiing. The town of Pratospilla is
linked to the town of Parma along the Massese state road through
Langhirano-Rigoso or by taking the Genova-Leghorn highway and exiting at Aulla.
The resort can also be reached from Parma, Aulla and La Spezia by coach.
Ski Lifts: one chair-lift (900 skiers an hour); one
cable-lift (750 skiers an hour)
Ski Runs: four (14 km)
Cross-country Skiing: 1 ring (1,5 km)
Ski and Snowboard School
Baby School: 350/400 m
m 1,257 - m 1,525
Set in the lovely Cento Laghi Park the resort of Lagdei Lago Santo is famous
for its wonderful natural setting. A cable-lift makes it possible to visit the
Lago Santo, the largest natural lake in the Emiliano Romagnolo Apennine range.
There is also a comfortable refuge where visitors can rest. As far as winter
sports are concerned as well as down-hill skiing visitors can enjoy such
cross-country skiing and down-hill skiing.
To reach the resort take the state road for Langhirano Corniglio from Parma
then turn left for Bosco di Corniglio; or take the Cisa highway and exit at
Berceto. There is also a coach service directly from Parma.
Ski Lifts: one ski-lift; one baby cable lift Capacity:
1,340 skiers an hour
Ski Runs: one slope (about 1 km)
Cross-country Skiing: four rings (20 km)
There is a refuge on the Lago Santo Lake
m 1,200 - m 1,500
The resort of Schia is set on the slopes of Mount Caio an isolated mountain in
the Parmense Apennines. Schia is part of the municipality of Tizzano Val Parma
and its good range of slopes are ideal for down-hill skiing. There are also
cross-country ski runs. To reach Schia take the SS Langhirano-Tizzano from
Parma. There are also coach services from Parma.
Ski Lifts: seven cable-lifts Capacity: 5,500 skiers an hour
Ski Runs: thirteen (25 km)
Cross-country Skiing: one ring (2 km)
Cross-country and Ski School
IAT di Parma.
Via Melloni, 1/B Tel. 0521/218889.
Parco dei Cento Laghi.
Piazza G. Ferrari, 5 - Langhirano - Tel. 0521/354112.
Comunità Montana Appennino Est
Piazza G. Ferrari, 5 - Langhirano Tel. 0521/354111.
Parma Turismi.
Str. Repubblica, 45 Tel. 0521/228152.